Hello from all of us here at Seaview Wildlife!
The summer holidays are on their way – and we’re looking forward to welcoming you back to the Park – to visit all your favourite friends!

Here’s an update on a few of the Park’s characters:
Dippy and his Penguin pals are in the midst of their annual moult – and looking like threadbare teddies! Every summer, over the course of a few weeks, the Penguins lose all their feathers then grow back beautiful new ones!

During spring and summer there are hundreds of cute ducklings and goslings around the Park. Most of the parent birds are wild; they choose Seaview Wildlife as a safe, bountiful place to raise their broods and many are seen returning year after year!

Henry Cooper’, an orphaned Wallaby Joey, is being hand-reared by the Animal Care Team. Named after the late, great, boxing champion (because of his fighting spirit), Henry is about 4 months old, and although very tiny he’s feeding well and growing a little every week. He spends most of his time in the warmth of a blanket-lined backpack – chosen to imitate the safety of his mother’s pouch!

Our two Alpacas have just been sheared! Although perhaps not quite as handsome as with their full fleeces, the shearing allows natural sunlight (and vitamin D) to be absorbed through their skin, essential for good health and well-being.
Why not take a walk on the wild side this summer, at the Island’s exclusive wildlife getaway!
Wildest Place for a Special Date!
Be a Keeper for a Day!

BE A KEEPER FOR A DAY - FOR AGES 12+ Our Keeper For a Day scheme is the ultimate treat for any animal lover wanting to experience something really special ….. a really close encounter with our birds and animals. This is the gift of a lifetime!
Come and work side by side with one of our experienced Keepers. You’ll be able to look after Penguins, Meerkats, Alpacas and Wallabies, feed and fuss over our furry friends in Pets Corner and spend time with a whole array of different birds! If you’re keen you can get up close and personal with the bugs and reptiles too!
- Full details on “Wildest Place for a Special Date” and “Be a Keeper for a Day” are available on our website: www.seaviewwildlife.com.
Junior Wildlife Experience! – Launching this Monday 19th July 2011!!

The very newest of our 2011 summer experiences – THE JUNIOR WILDLIFE EXPERIENCE – hot off the press – is being launched at the start of the summer holidays to run through until the end of October. Book early to avoid disappointment!
Due to popular demand this is a treat created for our younger guests :
"Junior Wildlife Experience"
Ages: 6 – 15 years (inclusive)
Duration: Two hours - from 10.15am - 12.15pm
Availability: Mon - Thurs each week excluding Bank Holidays.
10.15 - Greeting/induction
10.25 - 11.30 - A truly wonderful, bespoke, hands-on experience! Guided by a senior member of the Animal Care Team, this is a chance for young animal enthusiasts to get really close-up with Meerkats, Wallabies, Pigs and Rabbits (other animals/birds can be included depending on individual interests i.e. bugs and reptiles!)
11.30 - Penguin time! Listen in to the Penguin talk and then have personal, up-close time feeding Dippy and his pals!
12.00 - 12.15 - A slice of home-baked cake and biscuits with soft drinks or tea/coffee.
Cost: £50 per child - maximum 2 children per session (children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult whose admission is free, any additional adults admitted at special voucher rate).
FOR ANY FURTHER INFORMATION: email – info@seaviewwildlife.com