Here are the long awaited results of the Photographer of the Year Competition. I was honoured when I was asked recently to be the Judge of this years contest. I have just got back from a long photographic expedition and conservation project in Ecuador, studying Manta Rays and exploring the Amazon. Just as I was looking forward to a dreary winter back in the UK, being asked to judge this competiton was a great reminder of the importance of the Seaview Wildlife Encounter's role in getting people to encounter wildlife from an early age, and hopefully then growing up with a passion for wildlife and conservation. I have always been impressed with the variety of animals and birds and how happy and healthy they always look at the park. This makes it such a great place for photography.
Next years photographic competition will hopefully be as well subscribed, and I have already spoken with Lorraine and Jules about some ideas for new categories and entry methods. If anyone is looking to improve their technique in preparation, I am going to host some photographic tuition days at the park during spring and summer of 2010. Look out on the website for more details. Incidentally, if anyone is interested in looking at what I have been up to in Eucador, my blog can be found at
Mark Harding.
Now, here are the results:
First Place. Peacock Feather by Sandra Funnell. Beautiful image, great composition, and a real eye for the things that often pass us by unnoticed.

Second Place. Crowned Crane by Gavin Muncaster. A really lovely composition, and fantastic Colours. Well spotted opportunity.

Third Place. Asian Short Clawed Otter by Keith Robinson. A difficult subject, always running about a lot and difficult to capture in a good pose. This is a stunning pose and the black and white really brings out the texture of that fur.

Highly Commended. Pink Backed Pelican by Michaela Wild. I really like this image, and wanted to grade it higher, the lighting is beautiful. However, I felt a little more space in front of the subject would have helped the composition.