Hello from all of us here at Seaview Wildlife! Autumn is brandishing her beautiful colours all around us!
Thank you to all our friends who visited the Park during 2011 and for those who haven’t as yet - come on over - we’re open until 30th October!
Dippy (along with all of us here at the Park) is showing his support for the very worthwhile Breast Cancer Campaign this September and October.
Why not join him on “Wear it Pink Day” – 28th October? Just register at wearitpink.co.uk or call 0800 107 3104.

Close-up time with our Meerkats, Penguins, Wallabies and other animals has been very popular amongst those guests lucky enough to be treated to one of our VIP guest promotions this summer:
“Keeper for a Day”, “Junior Wildlife Experience” and “Wildest Place for a Special Date” - Will you be treated in 2012?
Hope to see you soon!
JUNIOR WILDLIFE EXPERIENCE – introduced during 2011 due to popular demand!
Ages: 6 – 15 years
Duration: Two hours – 10.15am - 12.15pm or 2.00pm to 4.00pm.
Availability: April – Oct, Mon - Sat (excl. Bank Hols).
A truly wonderful, bespoke, hands-on experience for our younger VIP guests! Guided by a senior member of the Animal Care Team, this is a chance for young animal enthusiasts to get really close to and feed Penguins (including the famous Dippy), Meerkats, Wallabies, Miniature Pigs and Rabbits (other animals can be included depending on individual interests i.e. bugs and reptiles!) Included is a delicious slice of home-baked cake and biscuits with a choice of soft drinks, Slush Puppy or tea/coffee.
Cost: £50 per child (increasing to £60 in 2012) - max 3 children per session (children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult whose admission is free, any additional adults admitted at special voucher rate).
Photos: Images taken & downloaded onto CD at no extra charge as a memento of your special day: www.seaviewwildlife.com/junior_experience.htm
Wildest Place for a Special Date!
BE A KEEPER FOR A DAY – for ages 12 – 100!
The ultimate treat for any animal lover wanting to experience a truly wild close encounter… this is the gift of a lifetime!
Come and work side by side with one of our experienced Keepers feeding and looking after Penguins, Pelicans, Meerkats, Alpacas and Wallabies, plus our Miniature Pigs and furry friends in Pets Corner. Spend time with a whole array of different birds and even get up-close and personal with bugs and reptiles if you dare!
Cost £100 (increasing to £125 in 2012) - includes lunch, a personalised certificate, your own photos on CD and a lifetime of memories!
Bookings - Choose your day from April to October (excluding Bank Holidays), 10.30am - 4.00pm.
Full details on “Junior Wildlife Experience”, “Wildest Place for a Special Date” and “Be a Keeper for a Day” are all available on our website: www.seaviewwildlife.com.