Wednesday 4 June 2014

Shearing shenanigans at Seaview!


Now the weather is getting warmer, it’s time for our woolly friends to be sheared before it gets too hot!


 This was the first time that our adorable South Down  Baby Doll Sheep, Daisy and Maisy, have been sheared since arriving at the Park a few months ago and was quite a shock for the Keepers to see them looking so trim!


Sheep - Copy

You can see from looking at the before and after pictures just how much wool they were carrying around with them and why it is so important that they are sheared before the summer begins.


Our other Woolley friends, Garnet and Augustus, however are quite used to the shearing shenanigans although they are yet to make it look  graceful!


You may be asking what happens to all this wonderful wool? Fear not, all the fleeces are collected and sent to The Border Mill, a small scaled fibre processing mill nestled in the beautiful  Scottish borders. Here it will  be transformed and sent back to us as knitting yarn and  sold in our gift shop! This year it will be extra special as the two fleeces will be processed together producing a exceptionally warm, cashmere, soft fibre.

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