Staff and animals here at Seaview had to say a sad farewell to happy Holly yesterday as she prepares to pack her binoculars for her once in a lifetime adventure to train as a Field Guide in Africa for a year!
Holly has been a dedicated and very hard working member of the Keeper Team and everyone here at the Park will miss her greatly, especially the Keepers, Jacob and Squeak!
We really do wish Holly all the best of luck in her exciting career and amazing adventure that lies ahead!
We received this lovely letter and photos from Holly yesterday which we thought we would share with you….
Hi everyone!
I have attached a few photos taken yesterday on my last day. Just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone for making my last day really special. I've loved working with you all over the years. Thank you for all your support, I know I am leaving just before the mad rush of the summer holidays, sorry guys!
I am sad to be leaving such an amazing team of people, you have made my time here so memorable and I have made life long friends. It's also been brilliant to work with my wonderful best friend Charlotte. I can't thank you enough for always being there for me, I am really going to miss you!!
Massive love to all the animals especially my little Jacob, my babies the Harvest Mice, Squeak the best Penguin ever and poor Beryl R.I.P :( I will miss you all, I hope you will miss me too!
I will keep you all updated on my adventure when I can and I will be popping in before I leave for a final farewell.
Love Holly :) xxx

If you would like to know more about what Holly will be up to during her year of training in becoming an African Field Guide check out the following website